Welcome to Little Caliphs Nilai Branch

                                                                                    In the Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful.
All praises due to Allah Lord of the universe. May Allah grant peace and honor to our beloved prophet Muhammad, his family, and his companions

Assalaamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Dear visitors,
Thank you for taking time to visit us. 
An objective to provide Islamic-English-Creative preschool program to the communities who want their children to be well educated both religiously and academically, Puan Noor Laila binti Ariffin with her partner Tuan Muhammad Elias bin Abu Bakar had established Tadika Mukmin Kreatif in 2012 and adopted The Little Caliphs Program (TLCP) into the system.
The Little Caliphs Program (TLCP) is an Islamic-English-Creative preschool program that helps preschool children to realize their best spiritual, cognitive, socio-emotional and physical potential. Unlike other conventional preschool program, TLCP has a set of proven creative methodologies for teaching the children the meaningful foundation of Islam, learning and living skills in an integrative manner.
Started with one centre, Tadika Mukmin Kreatif has now breed into 3 centres across the area with more than 200 childrens. 
In 2012, Puan Noor Laila opened the first branch of Tadika Mukmin Kreatif and its known as Little Caliphs Putra Point Nilai located in Bandar Baru Nilai. About 78 students enrolled during the first year. Now, Little Caliphs Putra Point, Nilai is one of the most recommeded Islamic Kindergarten in Bandar Baru Nilai area.
In 2014, she moved forward to launch the second branch knowned as Little Caliphs Pajam. Registered as Tadika Khalifah Pajam under Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri Sembilan. Its located in Pajam area and surrounded by Muslim Community. Now, she has rebrand Tadika Khalifah Pajam to Tadika Mukmin Kreatif 2nd Branch. 
Alhamdulillah. In 2016, one more branch launched in Mantin area. Its called as Little Caliphs Mantin and located at Jalan Besar Mantin, next to Pasaraya Millenium Sdn Bhd. 
For parents who are looking for the nearest Little Caliphs kindergarten from this area, please refer to the BRANCHES page. You may then contact the kindergarten principal directly to inquire about schedule, fees, etc.
May Almighty Allah chooses us to be a mean of His Hidayah to all mankind.
Thank you for your interest, and we look forward to hearing from you.
Jazakumullahukhairan, wassalam.
From: The Management of Mukmin Kreatif Education.


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